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Posts by category
- Category: News
- CCI Premieres New Commercial
- CCI Visits with Daytime Buffalo, July 9th 2024
- WGRZ: Unknown Stories of WNY: Exploring Italian and Sicilian roots in the Queen City
- Daytime Buffalo: Italian Cultural Center has what to expect at the Italian Heritage Festival!
- Most Buffalo: ‘Making treats at Italian Cultural Center of Buffalo’
- Italian Cultural Center in Buffalo receives $100,000 grant
- CCI One Year Anniversary Celebration
- CCI wins Buffalo Spree’s award for Best Cultural Programming
- 2351 Delaware Avenue Featured by WKBW Channel 7 Buffalo!
- CCI Buffalo mentioned in Forbes!
- Category: Press
- Calligraphy Workshop
- Festa di Carnevale
- Cucina con Dorothy
- Cards and Cocktails
- CCI Open House
- Cucina con Paola
- International Poetry Reading
- Italian Film Screening
- Cucina con Dean
- Cucina con Rosella
- Italian Karaoke Night
- Cards and Cocktails
- St.Joseph's Day Table
- La Befana
- Cookie Making Demonstration with Teresa Mendola
- Saturday Lecture Series - Poetry Reading
- Poetry Reading
- Lecture & Pop Up Shop with El Buen Amigo
- Sicilian Art Class
- Cooking Demo
- Pop-Up Brunch at the CCI
- Brunch with Santa
- Wine Glass Painting with Melissa!
- Wine Glass Painting with Melissa!
- Wine Glass Painting with Melissa!
- Italian Cocktail Class with Gary Mucci Jr.
- Dinner with Chef Karl Hoover!
- Lecture and Pop Up Shop with Santiago from El Buen Amigo
- Valentine's Day Cocktail Hour at the CCI
- Carnevale di Buffalo Masquerade Party
- Poetry Day at the CCI
- A Taste of the Italian Alps
- St. Joseph's Day Fundraiser
- Poetry Day!
- Sicilian Art Class
- Gardening Conversation with Judi and Ugo Del Sorbo
- Women of Western New York Lecture with Lindsey Lauren Visser
- A Taste of Venice
- Sicilian Art Class with Rosalia!
- Zeppole Making Demonstration
- Earth Day at the CCI
- Cocktail Making Class with Gary Mucci Jr.!
- Summer Italian School for Kids!
- Sun Safe Presentation with Nancy Smail, RN
- Pasta Making Class with Paula Missana
- Lecture: featuring Lisa Frusciante-Evola
- Genealogy Lecture with Angelo Coniglio
- La Festa
- Dinner at Nonna's Table with Luciana Galante SOLD OUT!
- Lecture with Lou Iannone Exhibit Designer
- Volunteer & Docent Meeting
- Sicilian Art Class- Apron Making
- Trip Information Session Tuscany
- Lecture with Mark Goldman- RESCHEDULED
- Monday Night Aperitivo
- Renaissance Gala Honoring Rocco Termini
- Book Lecture: Dress Jeans, Disco & Dating
- Fall Aperitivo
- Lecture: Do I Qualify for Dual Citizenship?
- La Porta Dell'Inferno Film Director Meet and Greet
- Lecture with Lou Iannone Exhibit Designer
- Trunk or Treat
- Why we Love the Element GOLD!
- Sicilian Art Class with Rosalia Ragusa
- Pop Up Chef: Jeff Dalfonso
- An Evening with Dr. Gaetano Cipolla
- Fall Aperitivo
- Fall Aperitivo
- Intuitive Painting with Dana Saylor
- Garibaldi and Living Meaningfully Today
- Pop Up Chef: Jeff Dalfonso
- Christmas Jazz with Custode and Parisi
- Pop Up Chef : Jeff Dalfonso
- Italian Cooking Demonstration
- Family Winter Wonderland
- Coffee and Carols
- Chef's Table with MaryRuth Rera
- Sicilian Art Class with Rosalia!
- Why we LOVE the Element GOLD!
- Cards and Cocktails
- La Befana
- Pop Up Chef: MaryRuth Rera
- Children's Bilingual Story Hour
- Children's Carnevale Celebration
- Couples Valentine's Cooking Class and Dinner
- Festa di Carnevale!
- The Making of the Tesla Legacy Corridor
- Children's Cooking Class
- St. Joseph's Day Fundraiser
- Cards and Cocktails!
- CCI Black History Month Celebration! Lunch and Learn!
- Black History Month Celebration Lecture and Poetry Reading!
- Cabrini VIP Pre-Screening Event
- Edison. Tesla. The Myths. The Truth
- La Dolce di Far Niente: Intuitive Art Class
- Easter Egg Hunt for Kids 11:00 am Hunt
- Easter Egg Hunt for Kids 1 pm Hunt
- Cards and Cocktails!
- Cucina con Nonna!
- Kids Summer Language Program!
- Bilingual Story Hour for Kids!
- Lunch and Learn: Fascinating Fossils!
- Lecture: How Italian is Your Garden!
- Sicilian Movie Night!
- Solar Eclipse Party!
- Cucina con Amici!
- Nikola Tesla. Changed the World. Was Forgotten. Not Anymore.
- Book Lecture: Sons and Their Mothers with Author Jackie Albarella
- Saturday Cucina Pop Up: Chef Nando
- Cards and Cocktails
- Live Cooking Show
- Cucina con Dino!
- Cucina con Elena
- "Nikola Tesla Before and After"
- Crafting Love for Mom: Kids Mother's Day craft & Story time
- Going to America: Recollections of Sicilian Immigrants' Journey to a New Land
- Bocce and Beer
- Aperitivo
- Pop Up Chef: Mary Ruth Rera
- Gift Basket Gathering Garden Party
- Cucina con Cugini
- Bocce and Beer
- Cucina con Mario
- Cucina con Dino
- Cucina con Cognati
- Bocce and Beer!
- Ragazzo Americano: A Book Talk with Neil Tetkowski
- Cardoon Night
- Kids Father's Day Celebration
- Dr. Giacobbe Celebration of Life
- Bocce and Beer
- Bocce and Beer
- Aperitivo
- International Poetry Reading
- Aperitivo
- Aperitivo
- Aperitivo
- Aperitivo
- Kids Bocce
- Cucina con Paolo
- Cucina con Paola
- Cucina con Samuele
- Aperitivo: Italian Happy Hour
- Aperitivo: Italian Happy Hour
- Aperitivo: Italian Happy Hour
- Aperitivo: Italian Happy Hour
- Bocce and Beer!
- Bocce and Beer!
- Bocce and Beer
- Bocce and Beer
- Bocce and Beer
- Bocce and Beer
- Bocce and Beer
- Kids Summer Language Program
- The Italian Invitational Bocce Tournament
- An Evening with Jay Dref: VIP Ticket
- An Evening with Jay Dref: VIP Table of 4
- Third Annual Renaissance Gala
- Cucina con Luciana
- An Evening with Jay Dref: Lawn Seating
- Cucina con Angela
- Cucina con Dorothy
- Cucina con Rosalie
- International Poetry Reading
- Why we love the Element Gold!
- Aperitivo
- Aperitivo
- Beer and Bocce
- Cucina con Teresa
- Italian Movie Night: Cinema Paradiso
- Book Talk: Italian Sports Greats with Al Bruno
- Cards and Cocktails
- Cards and Cocktails
- Book Talk: Don't Squeeze the Tomatoes
- Spooktacular Serata con la Famiglia
- Cucina con Nonna
- Cucina con Paolo
- Language Workshop: Learn Italian Through Music
- Do I Qualify for Dual Citizenship
- Post-Screening Reception and Q&A
- Nikola Tesla: The Eclectic Lecture
- Italian American Heritage Month Closing Reception
- Investing or Owning Property in Italy
- Cucina con Rosalie
- Italian Karaoke with Tony Occhiuto
- Cucina con Charlene
- Cucina con Luciana
- Cards and Cocktails
- Book Talk: Virgin Snow
- Sip and Shop
- Marconi Tesla | The Wireless War : Who Invented "Radio"
- Cucina con Andres
- 2nd Annual Coffee, Cocoa, and Carols
- 2nd Annual Christmas Jazz Concert
- Bilingual Story Hour for Kids
- Cucina con Franco