St. Joseph’s Day Fundraiser
Saturday March 18th
5:00 – 6:30 pm | 7:00 – 8:30 pm
$55 Individual | $100 Couple Sponsored and Hosted by Tappo Restaurant 166 Chandler St., Buffalo Located in Thin Man Brewery Proceeds benefit CCI and Per Niente
We are excited to host our St. Joseph’s Day Fundraiser at Tappo Restaurant! For this event, we will have two separate dinner seatings, one at 5:00 pm and one at 7:00 pm. To reserve your spot, click one of the links below!
House Wine
Celery, Fennel, Olive, Orange
St. Joseph’s Bread
Lentil with Ditalini
Pasta con Sarde
Baccala with Onion and Black Olives
Calamari Salad
Dandelion Greens
Marinated Eggplant
Roasted Red Pepper Salad
Assorted Frittate: Asparagus, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cardoons